
Learning & Development

  • Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
  • Salary Management and Administrations
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Human Resource Management Costings
  • Employment Act 1955
  • Disciplinary Procedures
  • Investigation, Misconduct and Domestic Inquiry
  • Roles of Chairperson and Panel Members in Domestic Inquiry
  • Presentation of Cases at Labour and Industrial Relations Department
  • Termination of Employment
  • Industrial Relations Department
  • Managing Difficult Employees
  • Industrial Relations and Trade Unions for Trade Union Officials
  • Labour Laws and Human Resource Management
  • Effective Training Management
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Job and roles of Training Coordinator
  • On the Job Training
  • Train the Trainer
  • Coaching for High Performance
  • Counselling and Coaching
  • Effective Supervisory Skills
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Self-Leadership
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Business Acumen
  • Psychology of Winning
  • Tough Conversation
  • Strategic Communication

Consultancy Services

  • Terms and Conditions of Service
  • Employees Appointment Letters and Contract of Service
  • Domestic Inquiry Charges and Notices
  • Dismissal / Termination letters
  • Submission for cases in Labour Department or Industrial Relations Department
  • Retrenchment Procedures and Calculation of Termination Benefits,
  • HR Roles in Merging, Accusations Exercise
  • Training Needs Analysis, Job Descriptions and Job Specifications
  • Occupational Safety and Health Policies & Procedures
  • Sexual Harassments Policy in the workplace
  • Voluntary / Mutual Separation Scheme
  • Human Resource Management Manuals
  • Employee Handbook
  • Separations Agreements

Coaching Services

  • Business Coaching
  • Performance Coaching
  • Project Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Group Coaching